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Virginia divorce laws


Virginia divorce laws

Are you considering the difficult option of getting a divorce in Virginia? Divorce law is complicated, and making wise decisions and seeking professional advice are necessary, whether you are thinking about starting the divorce process or answering a spouse’s petition. We are here to offer you empathetic support and tactical legal representation at every stage of the process because we recognize the emotional and legal complexities associated with divorce proceedings.

Divorce is a major life event that necessitates a deep comprehension of the associated legal procedures, particularly in light of Virginia state laws. To give a clear understanding of Virginia’s divorce laws, including the most important topics like child custody, alimony, property division, residency requirements, and grounds for divorce. It will be helpful to help you make decisions, whether you are thinking about getting a divorce or are in the middle of the process.

The Attorneys You Want On Your Side

Grounds for Divorce in Virginia 

In Virginia, there is recognition for both fault-based and no-fault divorce grounds.  Among the fault-based settings are adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or a felony conviction that results in jail time. As an alternative, couples may choose to pursue a no-fault divorce because of their separation, which calls for a period spent apart without cohabitation and the absence of any realistic hope of reconciliation.

No-Fault Divorce: 

Virginia allows for “no-fault” divorces, also known as “no-fault divorce by separation,” provided that the parties separate for a predetermined amount of time. If there are no minor children between the couple, this period is normally one year; if there are, it is six months if the couple has signed a separation agreement.

Fault-Based Divorce: 

In Virginia, there are several fault-based grounds for divorce, such as adultery, cruelty, desertion or abandonment, conviction for a felony that carries a sentence of more than a year in prison, or living apart and apart without interruption for a predetermined amount of time.

Residency Requirements

Either spouse must meet Virginia’s residency requirements in order to file for divorce; these requirements usually include living in Virginia for a predetermined amount of time before the filing date. People are advised to speak with legal counsel to make sure they comply, as this period may change based on the particulars.

Property Division 

Property division in Virginia is based on the equitable distribution principle, which means that debts and assets acquired during marriage are distributed fairly but not necessarily equally. Assets acquired during the course of marriage are regarded as marital property but separate property is not subject to division. A fair distribution is determined by accounting for a number of factors, such as future needs, financial status, and the contributions made by each spouse.


In the state of Virginia, alimony, which is also known as being granted in accordance with a number of criteria, includes the duration of the union and each spouse’s financial situation, their contributions to the union, and any agreements that may have been made between them. Based on the particulars of each case, alimony can be determined to be either temporary or permanent. 

Child Custody 

Virginia prioritizes the greatest interests of the child when making custody decisions, taking into account the child’s age, well-being, connection to each parent, and parental capacity to care for them. With visitation rights established for the non-custodial parent, custody may be granted as sole custody, joint legal and physical custody, or joint custody.

Child Support

In Virginia, statutory factors such as each parent’s income, the child’s needs, medical expenses, and daycare costs are taken into consideration when determining the amount of child support. To secure the financial security of the child, the court may mandate child support payments, with modifications made as needed.

Legal Process and Requirements 

In Virginia, the formal divorce procedure entails submitting a petition to the relevant court, serving the opposing party, and appearing in court as required. Financial information disclosure and mandatory waiting periods are just two examples of the timelines and procedural requirements that must be adhered to.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation and collaborative divorce are examples of alternative dispute resolution techniques that provide couples with a non-adversarial way to settle divorce-related matters out of court. These techniques can encourage collaboration, lessen conflict, and speed up the resolution process, which will ultimately result in more agreeable resolutions.

Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a complicated legal procedure with many different financial, emotional, and legal factors to take into account. While it’s possible to represent yourself in divorce proceedings, navigating the legal intricacies without assistance from an attorney can be daunting and may result in adverse outcomes. A professional divorce lawyer brings invaluable knowledge to your case, advocating for your rights and interests while guiding you through the legal process with clarity and empathy.

Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of divorce services customized to fulfill your unique requirements and goals, including:

Legal Consultation

In order to evaluate your case, go over your options, and create a strategy plan tailored to your goals, we offer a free initial legal consultation.

Divorce Representation

If needed, our knowledgeable divorce attorneys act as your legal representative and manage every step of the divorce procedure, including mediation, negotiation, and litigation.

Asset Division

We help ensure your financial interests are safeguarded during divorce proceedings by assisting in the fair division of marital assets.

Support for Spousal Maintenance and Alimony

According to your needs and financial situation, we support just and equitable maintenance and spousal support agreements

Child Custody and Support

When it comes to child custody and support issues, we put your kids' best interests first. We fight for parenting plans that work and make sure your kids have enough money.

Alternatives to Dispute Resolution and Mediation

In order to promote peaceful resolutions while reducing conflict and maintaining relationships, we look into alternative dispute resolution techniques like mediation.

Modifications Following Divorce

In order to adapt to evolving circumstances, we help with modifications following divorce pertaining to custody, support, and other agreements.

Our Approach to Divorce Representation

Throughout the legal process, we prioritize your needs, concerns, and goals because we practice client-centered divorce representation. Our team of competent divorce attorneys is focused on giving you individualized care, strategic legal advocacy catered to your particular situation, and supportive assistance during this trying time.

Contact Us Today

Divorce is a difficult and intensely emotional experience, but you do not have to go through it alone. We at The Law Offices of SRIS. P.C., is here to offer you the knowledgeable direction, understanding support, and astute legal counsel you require to handle the divorce process with assurance and tranquility. Make an appointment for a consultation with us right now to start down the path to a better future.